Too Bright To Be Caged: The Story of the Stained Glass Feather Project

Too Bright To Be Caged: The Story of the Stained Glass Feather Project

When I was a little girl, I would daydream about being a bird and having wings that I could open up and fly away. I wasn’t great at being happy. I searched for happiness everywhere that I  was told by society, religious ideologies, and family that it would be, but I couldn’t find it. I was running in a cyclic maze toward an end that didn’t exist.

Then one day, I realized that I did have wings! I mustered together every drop of bravery that was left in my soul and took flight! I flew over the walls of that maze and a world bigger and more beautiful than I had ever imagined opened up to me. I had let fear build a cage around me for most of my life. Fear cages us in with jealousy, failure, anger, hurt, shame,  and grief.

One day a friend sent me a picture of the quote “Some birds feathers are too bright to be caged” and he said that every time he sees or hears that quote he thinks of me and my free spirit.

That’s the goal: a free spirit, one that isn’t caged by fear. The stained glass feathers are a gift my Creator inspired within me to help my spirit find peace. While I make them, I pray and fight the fear beast. I listen to music and audio books, I self reflect, I think positive thoughts about my many adventures and the people that have crossed my path and rejuvenated and inspired me when my journey made me weary.

Many of the feathers are made in the middle of the night as a product of insomnia. Some of them I have to wash tears off of before I hang them on my window. They bring me healing and peace. As I started posting them on social media, I realized quickly that they bring other people peace, too! I began sending them to people that have inspired me or that come to mind as I focus on positive thoughts. Each day, I’d think of new people to send feathers.

What has the feather project done for me? It has re-focused my thoughts and made me realize that I am not alone in this world and never will be. It has renewed my faith that there is a plan and that my sense of adventure and curiosity is taking me exactly where I’m supposed to be. As I create and  send them to people, I’m reminded that I’m not alone and that I have people all over the country who love me as I am, who are inspired by me, and who send me prayers and positive energy daily.

Some birds' feathers are just too bright to be caged! Keep flying, friends. Don’t listen to the people that try to tell you where to fly, let your Spirit guide you!